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Main » 2010 » November » 17 » Say ‘No’ to a house in front of a temple
5:00 PM
Say ‘No’ to a house in front of a temple

A house can have as many doors as you want but the main entrance door should be looked at closely if the house is being built according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra. Other doors in a house should also be built in accordance with Vaastu to avoid their negative effects on the family.
Take care of the following points before fixing the main entrance door:
- According to Vaastu experts, a house should not be constructed exactly in front of a temple. Construction should also be avoided in front of a lamp a post, pillar, dry and stubby tree or any other religious spot.
- Experts differ in their opinion pertaining to the construction of the main entrance but practically speaking it should be at such a place from where it can receive positive energy.
- If the main door is constructed in the west direction, then build one more door in the east direction.
- Similarly if the door is in the south direction by default, then try to construct another in the north direction.
- Except the main door, other doors of the house should be single-folded.
- Whatever the number of entrance doors a house has, they should all be Vaastu- based.
- Try not to place a door in the centre of the wall.
- A door can be fixed in any of the corners of a room but it should be about four inches away from the wall.
- Let the door open inwards towards the wall so that the space of the room can be utilized to its maximum.
- Small shelves can be provided on the wall which is just behind the door.
Category: Vastu | Views: 436 | Added by: arun | Tags: women, style, Investment, Work, Job, Gold, datig, Fashion, beauty, Life | Rating: 0.0/0
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