Those kitchen spices that have been stocked in the closets for a long time, and used primarily for medicinal purpose or health benefits, have yet another story to tell. From just being a provider of flavour and colour in various cuisines, there are a few spices that can send you into throes of passion making you crave for more. So, here is a list
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Pregnancy provokes most women to become hysteric with excitement, enthusiasm and ongoing stress. It is a life changing experience for a woman as she enjoys nurturing a growing fetus in her body. Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) has revealed that in India, as many as 300 women die everyday due to pregnanc
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London: Sadie Frost says the secret to her fantastic figure is a "green juice" made from pineapple and avocados. The 45-year-old actress-turned-designer credits her specially-made morning drink as one of the reasons why she manages to stay so slim and healthy, reports "I have a green juice every morning which
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A study suggests that people are made critically ill, or even killed, by their own immune response during H1N1 flu pandemic. Fernando Polack, associate professor of paediatrics at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, and colleagues in Argentina and Nashville provide a possible explanation for this alarming phenomenon of pandemic f
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It is a milestone that many babies take a year to reach. Yet when Faye Armstrong was born, she already had her two front teeth - astonishing her parents and midwives. Now, a fortnight on, two molars are beginning to appear. Her mother Patricia Caulfield, 25, told of her amazement at her daughter's dental development. "When she
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Cancer can be 'burned up' with a new technique that uses magnetic pulses to heat tumour cells until they die. Scientists have found they can surround cancer cells with tiny particles of iron-oxide that vibrate when in a magnetic field, causing the cells to heat up. Tests on mice have shown this can raise the temperature of the tumour c
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The deadly disease kills over a million worldwide. The mosquito-borne disease has been rampant across the country this monsoon. On an average, 5 lakhs people are affected and over 1,000 die of malaria in India. Now, a study has revealed a deadly truth about the fatal disease Malaria. It says, out of the 35 malaria deaths reported in Mu
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Exposure to prolonged puffing can perk up levels of a stress hormone in the heart that can potentially reshape the left ventricle, according to new research. In a Chicago University (Illinois) [CUI] study using rats as animal model, a five-week exposure to cigarette smoke was associated with the activation of enzymes called mitogen-act
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Designer Michelle Salins tells us all about her side of the fitness saga. How it began Fitness happened to be a part of my life without really intending to be so. I had chosen to dance with and for Shaimak Davar’s company when I was in Mumbai. I loved dancing and that kept me completely fit. After that, I continued my fitness routi
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Have you ever considered that your tea jar quietly sitting in your kitchen cabinet could also be your passport to a healthy heart? It could, in the long run, help save you from going under the cardiac surgeon’s knife, says Dr Gautam Banerjee, PhD, principal scientist, Hindustan Unilever Research Centre, Bangalore. And of course from those dozen te
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